Thank you for your interest in being a GLS 2022 Summit Partner!


Summit Partners

- believe in the philosophy that we WIN together
- believe in leadership development and have a growth mindset
- believe in community strengthening and finding common purpose
- have influence in specific areas, industries and niches
- can mobilize a group of leaders to register for the event


Benefits to Summit Partners

- discounted tickets for everyone the partner registers
- the possibility of earning complimentary tickets as registrations increase
- early check-in and priority seating
- continued relationship with host church for future summits


Expectations from Summit Partners

- sharing the event with enthusiasm in their areas of influence
- clear communication on expectations and resolutions as needed
- assisting the host church in welcoming registrants brought in by Summit Partner


If you want to be a Summit Partner for the GLS on August 4 – 5, 2022 please call 352 978 6313 to discuss the partnership.