On Thursday & Friday, August 4-5, 2022, join hundreds of thousands of curious, growth-minded, change-driven men and women like you for the premier leadership event of 2022—The Global Leadership Summit.

Experience two days of rich, high-impact, inspiring sessions, and learn from a diverse faculty who will share their wisdom and practical perspective to support you in your leadership growth at your local Summit View location - LakeHaven Church.

What have you got to gain?  

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…And Your Leadership Matters

Whether you’re a business leader, CEO, pastor, teacher, nurse, student, artist, soldier, parent, doctor, volunteer, entrepreneur, or simply finding your place, you have influence. Every day you impact those around you through your influence—for better or worse, in both big and small ways. During a season that may have depleted your energy, stunted your growth or left you in the dark, it’s time to rediscover a new hope for your future in order to amplify the positive difference you can make.
What is the turning point for positive change? Your capacity to thrive and help rejuvenate the best in those around you, both personally and professionally, is dependent on your leadership health.
Your leadership matters.  When you invest in developing your leadership skills, you also give back to everyone around you. You strengthen your relationships, build trust on your team, innovate toward a better future and face challenges head-on with fresh perspective—not only do you thrive, but your family thrives, your business thrives, your church thrives and your community thrives.
For more than 25 years, The Global Leadership Summit has delivered leadership insights with attendees reporting positive outcomes. (based on independent research by Excellence in Giving).

68% Improved Productivity


81% improved job satisfaction


74% improved work quality


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